If you are planning to travel to France, or a French speaking country, it’s important that you attempt to learn some basic French. Not only is this polite, it will also make your trip easier and more enjoyable. But what are some good phrases in French? And what words and phrases are really important to …
100+ Quotes to Inspire You to Learn a New Language
Travelling the world and visiting new countries is one of the best things you can do in life. And this experience can be made even better if you are able to converse in other languages. Whether it be learning just basic words and phases like hello, thank you and goodbye, local people will be really …
Photos That Will Make You Want to Visit Australia
Australia is a country you really need to tick off your bucket list and for good reason too. This is one of the most popular places to live in the world, due to the warm climate, great outdoors lifestyle, famous cities, beautiful white sandy beaches, stunning islands, the Outback and the spectacular Great Barrier Reef. …
5 Best Luxury Hotels in Bora Bora
If you are looking for a luxury escape to one of the most exotic destinations in the world then Bora Bora really should be high on your list of places to go. Bora Bora is a dream travel destination located near Tahiti in French Polynesia. Photos really don’t do Bora Bora justice, expect beautiful white …
50 Best Travel Adventures in the World!
There are so many amazing adventure destinations around the world and to ignite your wanderlust we have put together a list of some of the most thrilling places to visit and activities you can do. Some destinations are world famous whilst others might be places you haven’t heard about before. If you are looking for …
21 Amazing Things to Do in Costa Rica
Costa Rica is an amazing destination to enjoy breath-taking scenery, beaches, rainforests, diverse wildlife and adventures. Whether you are a seasoned traveller, or novice thrill seeker, Costa Rica really is the ultimate country with great infrastructure for tourists. You can find accommodation for all budgets and there are trips and activities for everyone. This country …
Best Vlog Editing Software for YouTube & Vloggers
Becoming a vlogger is a dream right? Get paid to create content, gain popularity and earn a living travelling the world and getting paid doing something you love. But how do you get started and what is the best software and apps to use to edit and publish amazing content? To get started you either …
20 Best Countries to Go Scuba Diving
Keen to plan your next scuba dive trip? Researching where to go? There are hundreds of incredible locations around the world but some are rated much better than others. Some dive destinations are long time favourites and are absolutely incredible whilst others you might have not even heard about before. Check out our list of …
Top 10 Luxury Hotels in the Maldives
The Maldives is located in the Indian Ocean and it is one of the most luxurious destinations in the world. The country is made up of 26 atolls and more than 1,000 islands which are home to some of the most incredible hotels and resorts you are likely to ever stay in. The Maldives is …
How To Say ‘Hello’ in 100+ Different Languages
Wherever you go in the world it is likely a greeting will often to be the first thing you hear or say when you meet new people. ‘Hello’ should be the first word you learn in any foreign language, even before please, thank you and goodbye. Learning a language can be challenging, especially for native …