Throughout Canada their are magnificent opportunities to catch sight of these awe-inspiring and majestic mammals. Whales move following their food source so in some places they may be in the area for a short time which can make sightseeing a challenge.
There are though lots of specialised tours available to book throughout Canada where you are almost guaranteed to see whales.
View our guide to how to see whales up close and start planning a dream trip today.
Where Can I See Whales in Canada?
Canada has three coastlines and is bordered by the Arctic, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans. There are over 30 different species of whales you can see here on both the .
These are the types of whales you can see in each different area of Canada.
Vancouver Island & Victoria
Orca Whales – Humpback Whales – Gray Whales – Minke Whales
Orca Whales – Humpback Whales – Gray Whales – Minke Whales – Blue Whales
Beluga Whales – Narwhals
Pilot Whales – Beluga Whales – Fin Whales – Blue Whales – Humpback Whales – Minke Whales
New Brunswick & Nova Scotia
Pilot Whales – Northern Right Whales – Fin Whales – Humpback Whales – Minke Whales
Humpback Whales – Fin Whales – Pilot Whales – Blue Whales – Sei Whales – Minke Whales
What is the Best Month to See Whales in Canada?
When is the best time to view the whales? The best time of year to view Orca whales is in May through September. If you’re looking for humpback whales then we suggest September through January.
Top Whale Watching Destinations
You can find sightseeing boat trips, cruises and experiences which are highly recommended in these locations:
Whale Watching in Hudson Bay
Each year 30,000 plus Beluga whales congregate in Hudson Bay and in particular in and around the mouth of the Churchill River. They arrive as the ice breaks forcing the polar bears onto land. This creates a limited time opportunity at the beginning of July to view the polar bears as they still scavenge along the shore line having left the ice and the influx of the Beluga whales. Throughout the rest of the summer the Belugas are still resident in this area, but the chances of seeing polar bear are more limited.
The Québec Whale Route
The mighty St Lawrence River estuary and, in particular the area around Tadoussac, provides an ideal habitat for up to 13 different species of whale. It is one of the most easily accessible beluga whale sightseeing opportunities anywhere in the world. Many whale watching options are based out of Tadoussac, but along the north shore of the St Lawrence we have other options too. This is also a favoured area for sea kayaking trips.
Whale Watching in Nova Scotia & New Brunswick
Both these provinces give easy access into one of the world’s great whale watching areas, the Bay of Fundy. The extreme tidal range in this area creates favourable conditions for a range of species. In addition to the more common whales it is one of the very few areas left in the world with a realistic chance of seeing the endangered Northern Right Whale. Other areas, such as Cape Breton and Halifax, also give good whale watching opportunities.
Whale Watching in Newfoundland and Labrador
One of the few areas in Canada where you have a realistic opportunity of viewing whales and icebergs together. There are a large variety of whales making their summer home in this area. It is quite common to see whales when staying at Quirpon Lighthouse, one of our featured properties, or indeed if you go to see the puffins at Bulls Bay you have a realistic chance of seeing whales as well.
Whale Watching in Tofino
Each year in the Spring 20,000 gray whales pass Tofino/Ucluelet as they migrate to the feeding grounds off Siberia. Approximately 100 gray whales spend their summer feeding in the Barclay & Clayoquot Sound where they remain until mid November before joining the main migration as it passes southwards yet again. The 2 ½ hour whale watching trip achieves a sighting rate of 95% or better to see these 40 ton plus whales.
Whale Watching in Victoria
In the greater Victoria area from mid May to late September over 100 killer Orca whales patrol the area feasting on the rich food source swept in from the Pacific Ocean. Three separate pods: J, K & L populate the waters and we are pleased to report that over the last two years the numbers have grown and new baby whales have been added to their numbers. This area is widely recognised as one of the best for sighting Orca whales, with success rates during the peak season in excess of 95%. We highly recommend a three hour whale watching cruise aboard a fast comfortable boat.
Kayaking with Whales
You can find a variety of options to enjoy sea kayaking with whales. This option is available in most whale watching areas, but is well organised in British Columbia, Québec, New Brunswick and Nova Scotia. The trips vary from three hours to three days and are suitable for all abilities as they use stable larger canoes. Perhaps the ultimate way to experience being up front and personal with the whales is to embark on one of our three day excursions, camping under the stars where, besides seeing whales, you have a realistic opportunity to see bears, seals, eagles and ospreys.
British Columbia is one of the top rated destinations as this has Canada’s only designated sanctuary for orcas whales, Telegraph Cove, which is located in the Robson Bight (Michael Bigg) Ecological Reserve. This area is closed for boats to help protect the whales but you can go kayaking here.
Seeing whales in the wild in their natural habitat is a really special experience and there are lots of expert travel operators who can help you to book your next whale-watching trip.