Showing: 21 - 30 of 72 RESULTS
Cave Diving
Adventure & Outdoors Africa Bahamas Belize Caribbean Central America Cuba Egypt Europe Italy Mexico North America South Africa Sports Travel Tips USA Zimbabwe

Top 10 Cave Diving Locations

Cave diving is one of the most challenging and potentially dangerous kinds of diving, but it can also be one of the most rewarding. It offers an opportunity to explore underwater landscapes that are otherwise entirely inaccessible and can lead to truly unforgettable experiences. Descending into the depths of a cave can be like entering …

Haunted house
Adventure & Outdoors Europe Travel Tips United Kingdom

Top 5 Most Haunted Places in the UK

It’s scary to think that we travel far and wide for great attractions which eventually become repetitive and predictable. Although there are lots of amazing places to visit in the UK, why not put the frighteners on with a trip to one of your local haunted abodes? For a “supernatural” day out here’s a list …

Adventure & Outdoors Asia Luxury Travel Maldives Sports Travel Tips

Scuba Diving in Maldives

Maldives – a heaven for divers, whether you are a beginner or a dive master, you will love diving in this beautiful destination. View our guide with everything you need to know about diving in the Maldives, from the best sites, information about resorts, prices, types of packages and much much more. Introduction to Diving …

Similan Islands, Thailand
Adventure & Outdoors Asia Sports Thailand Travel Tips

Best Dive Sites in Similan Islands

The Similan Islands National Park is a series of strikingly beautiful granite and jungle islands in Thailand with some stunning beaches and great undersea diversity. Diving here normally originates from Phuket and is done by live aboards running anywhere from two-day to two week trips. The water clarity and healthy reefs make these islands the …

Scuba diver
Adventure & Outdoors Cyprus Europe Greece Ireland Italy Malta Spain Sports Travel Tips United Kingdom

Top 10 Diving Destinations in Europe

Tropical islands are not the only destinations where divers can find amazing underwater locations. Throughout Europe, there are lots of highly rated dive sites attracting thousands of scuba enthusiasts from all over the world. The ocean’s depths contain widely differing landscapes, spectacular marine life and historic shipwrecks. 1. Isle of Man The Burroo off the …

Cornwall Coast
Adventure & Outdoors Europe Sports Travel Tips United Kingdom

Best Cycle Trails in Cornwall

Some people might think that Cornwall is all about cream teas and surf boards in the sea with nothing else on offer to help slim the waist line. Outdoor types more in the know however may be aware that the county offers some of the best and most accessible bike rides in the whole of …

Adventure & Outdoors Africa Tanzania Travel Tips

How to Prevent Altitude Sickness when Climbing Kilimanjaro

Altitude sickness can strike even the most experienced of mountain walkers, as it can be caused by so many different factors (not just the height at which you’re walking). If you’re planning a big climb – like the trek up Kilimanjaro – you need to be prepared to deal with altitude sickness. While it’s by …

Water Park
Adventure & Outdoors Europe Spain Sports Travel Tips

7 Best Water Parks in Spain

Water parks are a great outdoor activity for everyone during summer. If you are panning a trip to Spain then you are bound to find a lot of water parks to enjoy with your family. Featuring one of the most visited aqua parks in the world, this is a great destination to relax and have …

Adventure & Outdoors Europe Travel Tips United Kingdom

Best Zorbing Locations in the UK

Are you a certified adrenaline junkie? Have you had more than your fair share of cycling, skating and rock climbing? In that case, it might be time to take on the UK’s hottest new craze: zorbing. You’ll probably already know that zorbing is the pursuit of rolling down a gentle hill in a giant transparent …

Antarctica penguins
Adventure & Outdoors Antarctica Travel Tips

8 Things You Didn’t Know About Antarctica

The coldest, driest, windiest and highest continent on Earth, Antarctica is doing a good job of stealing all the superlatives. So we know it has penguins but no polar bears, research centres but no time zone, and loads of ice but no rain or snow in some areas for over 2 million years. But what …