Ah, the epic escape of travel. We count down the days and minutes until our next trip and reminisce with our magnificent Instagram feed forever after.
Travel is the best. But when our surroundings are constantly changing, it’s all too easy to fall out of our normal healthy routines. And when we’re on vacation – er, we tend to indulge a bit more than we would at home.
Whether you’re flying across an ocean or driving to another state, this instability can wreck our skin, bodies, and digestion. Raise your hand if you’ve battled dehydration and bloating the second you landed in paradise. It happens.
But staying healthy and fit while traveling isn’t as tough as you might think. Well, it isn’t if you read these handy tips.
When You’re at Home
A little prep can go a long way. Bring your own tea: mint and ginger are both staples, because these powerhouse herbs will soothe your tummy and ease headaches and tension.
Packing aromatherapy oils might seem like a luxury, but they’re multi-purpose (bonus: they’re carry-on friendly). Two oils, which provide headache relief as well, are uplifting peppermint and relaxing lavender. Dab some on your neck and inhale deeply.
When you’re traveling light, workout props can be a pain. All you really need is a pair of running shoes and a resistance band. A foldable yoga mat is nice, but you can make do with a towel or blanket in a pinch. And a yoga strap can be easily replicated with a belt, scarf, or tie.
And while you have your dependable, speedy wifi at home, download the following apps:
• YogaGlo – Quality yoga instructors in a live studio environment; and you can download classes too.
• Nike Training App – Legit workouts that don’t require weights, ranging anywhere from 15 to 45 minutes.
• Barre3 – Even 10 minutes will help you feel the burn. And they have prop-free online classes.
When You’re en Route
Dehydration is one of the most common reasons you feel like gross when traveling. Before you go, stock up on all the drinks! Basically, avoid the airplane potty, don’t avoid it.
Bring your own reusable water bottle. Pound a full bottle before you go through security and fill it the second you’re in. Most airport restaurants will give you free water if you order food. Just ask.
Coconut water will deliver the hydration and electrolytes your body is craving. It’s portable and widely available, so grab it and drink it. Aloe water is another common healthy beverage you can find more and more. Try to refrain from beverages that will ultimately make you more dehydrated – like that double espresso or local IPA.
When You Arrive
The moment you arrive in your hostel, apartment, or hotel, take some time to get centered. Don’t just chuck your suitcase in a corner and run out the door. Now is an excellent time to re-hydrate like crazy. Drink a steaming cup of that ginger or peppermint tea you packed (you clever thing) to settle your tummy and perk up.
Sitting is one of the most detrimental forces to our physical bodies, and extended periods in the car or airplane is not the one. Ideally, a grounding yoga sequence would come into play here, but a simple 10-15 minutes of stretching will reset your bod.
Try to exercise as much as possible, this is great for both mental and physical health.
When You Settle in
Head off to the local market or store to stock up on healthy snacks and beverages. If you have a kitchen, aim to cook at least once each day. If not, do your best to select the healthiest options on the menu – you can’t lose with greens and veggies.
You will inevitably get busy while you’re having fun. Try to make time to exercise, even if it’s only 30 minutes each day. Walking counts, of course, and if you’re doing a lot of that, you’ll definitely want to make time to do some yoga poses at the end of your day to avoid back tightness.
Now for the tough love. While it’s great to have fun, try not to overdo it by boozing it up. After all, dehydration is the unfortunate side-effect of alcohol – and you’re already battling that from traveling. Besides, you want to remember every moment of your trip, right? Binge drinking sure doesn’t make that easy.
When You’re in the Moment
Opt for activities that keep you moving. Instead of lying around on a beach, go snorkeling or SUPing. Instead of taking an Uber for a night out in the city, take a stroll and/or public transportation.
There are studios and gyms everywhere these days, and Yelp is always your friend when you’re looking for a solid option in a foreign place. Alternatively, just ask your tour guide for hike or run recommendations, and you’ll be exploring the scenery, healthily, in no time at all.
Eat some healthy, fatty nuts or nut butter with fruit for an energy boost when you’re out and about. This will keep you from breaking down and splurging on that second gelato. Hydration is still key. Bring your refillable water bottle with you and you won’t regret it.
When You Come Home
Just as you did when you first arrived at your destination, take some time to decompress and stretch after all that sitting. It will be tempting to face plant into bed, but sit down and do a brief meditation as a nice bookend to your trip (hint: the Headspace app is pretty sweet for this).
Especially if you’ve been on a different time zone, stay up until it’s your proper bedtime hour. Make a slow transition back to your healthy home routine, eat plenty of greens, and re-hydrate.
Your exercise, sleep, and eating patterns will take some time to readjust – but don’t beat yourself up over it. Get your ass back into your favorite class or go for a run after you’ve had a good night’s sleep. You’ll be back on track in no time at all.