Before taking your flight to Singapore, make sure that you do not have items that are prohibited when entering the country to avoid delay at the immigration.
Foreigners who are planning to enter Singapore need to be extra cautious when packing as even some innocuous things which are totally legal and normal to have in your home country, can land you in big trouble.
Singapore is one of the safest countries to visit in the world and anyone who will be caught violating the local laws are liable to be punishable in extreme cases by imprisonment under the Arms Offences Act of Singapore.
The following items are prohibited for all who wants to enter Singapore:
• firearms or firearms parts, including magazines
• live bullets, including blanks, of small or large caliber for revolver, pistol, or rifle
air pistol or air rifle or parts
• spear guns or cross bows
• explosive blasting caps, dynamite, detonators, detonating cords
• fireworks
• spent or empty ammunition cartridges, including bullets rendered “safe’”
• signal flares
• tear-gas spray, pepper spray
• walking stick with dagger
• industrial acid and other corrosive substances
• flick or fan knives, gravity knives
• whips made from bicycle or motorcycle chains
• nunchaku, knuckle dusters, ninja stars, throwing knives
• stun guns and taser guns
• toy guns that resemble real guns
• bullet-proof vests
• batons, t-baton, night sticks, truncheons, handcuffs
• replica or dummy and model explosives
• cornershot devices
• lighters shaped like grenades, bullets, or firearms
Singapore also prohibits the importation of the following items:
• chewing gum, except dental or nicotine gum
• chewing tobacco and imitation tobacco products
• cigarette lighters of pistol or revolver shape
• controlled drugs and psychotropic substances
• endangered species of wildlife and their by-products
• firecrackers
• obscene articles, publications, video tapes or discs, and software
reproduction of copyright publications
Singapore is one of the best places to go in south east Asia, but before departing, it’s always recommended to check latest news as this list does get updated regularly.