Maldives – a heaven for divers, whether you are a beginner or a dive master, you will love diving in this beautiful destination.
View our guide with everything you need to know about diving in the Maldives, from the best sites, information about resorts, prices, types of packages and much much more.
Introduction to Diving in the Maldives
The Maldives is one of the best countries to go scuba diving. Resorts operate special courses both for those who are preparing to dive for the first time and for experienced divers too. There are special places with soft corals, gentle slopes and plenty of tropical fish for novice divers, so even newbie will fully enjoy his diving experience.
Experienced divers have opportunity to conduct night and drift diving, also steep walls, caves and cliffs are there to amaze you. Wreck diving is not a problem here, all you have to do is to choose which sunken vessel you’re planning to see. But the most exciting is to discover something new, for group of divers countless number of yet unexplored reefs are waiting for their time.
Swimming underwater in the Maldives can be everywhere – both in the lagoon at your resort, and at the furthest from Malé atoll. In many resorts there are special schools for divers.
Almost all islands have reefs located nearby, to which you can swim straight from the beach. Best of the reefs is located in the resort of Ellaidhoo, a bit worse – on resort Bandos, Wade, Embudo Village, Giraavaru, Helengeli, Baros, Baros Ra and Twin Island (Maafushivaru).
But of course here are not all reefs worthy of attention. In general most resorts are surrounded by small reefs and if you want to reach a reef straight from the beach resort, make sure that reef is available nearby. Those who want to enjoy not only the coastal waters, dhoni will you to an underwater safari.
Beginners Dive Courses in the Maldives
If you’re new and healthy, you can take a short course at your local resort (there are 3 types of diving courses: for beginners, special, high complexity).
Those who already can be called Scuba Divers need to take with them the certificate and diving log. If you have not engaged in diving for a while, you will be asked to make a test dive, so the instructor can observe how you feel in the water. These precautions are made because of lack of sophisticated medical equipment in Maldives, and such small inconvenience may be brought to you.
Maldives Reefs
Maldives – dual band atolls over 90 thousand square km – part of a volcanic ridge stretching from Laccadives Islands to Chagos. The largest atoll in the world – Huvadu is Among 26 atolls of the Maldives.
Laccadives Islands
The atoll consists of numerous small islands surrounding a large lagoon. Lagoon depth is from 40 to 90 m bristling with reefs, corals and Tilly – reef deep bedding, lying on the sandy bottom. Calm waters in the lagoon create favorable conditions for the formation of branching and reef-building corals with about 900 species of tropical fish. If you want to get acquainted with the fish to be found here, buy a book of local marine biologist RK Anderson.
In the Maldives, there are many faros – concentric reefs inside the atoll. Faro is not a true atoll, but instead forms part of the rim of a barrier reef or a larger atoll. Faro is located near the outer sides of the atolls, longer, and some are broken, like a horseshoe, but they rise from the bottom of the atoll, and it seems they are forming a lagoon within the lagoon. The depth of this lagoon is usually up to 6 m, and only sometimes reaching 40 m.
Each island is surrounded by the so-called local reef, due to which in almost all resorts tourists have excellent opportunities for scuba diving. Visibility in the lagoons is usually good.
Ocean on the outside of atolls reaches 1-3 km in depth. There are several vertical reef walls In the Maldives, and though many slopes are gentle, in some places very steep cliffs exist. Outside of atolls water is very clean, and marine life is extremely diverse and full with colors. Some reefs on the western side of the atoll of Male and South Male are inhabited with starfishes, and unfortunately they are causing significant damage to corals.
Best Time to Go Diving in Maldives
The best time for scuba diving is from January to April, when the sea is calm, the sun is shining, the weather conditions are great and the visibility in the water can reach 30 meters. It’s possible to meet whales in the strait at the southern tip of Ari Atoll from late August to October. But if you want to see giant rays and whale sharks, the best to visit Malé and South Male is from August to November and from February to April for Ari atoll, as waters are rich with plankton during this period.
Diving is possible throughout the year, but rain, wind and waves are most common during the season of the southwest monsoon (June-August). During this period, it is difficult and sometimes impossible to get to some interesting places for diving. In a bad season the visibility in the water sometimes falls to 10 m. It is said that the weather in Maldives has a two-week cycle, but there is no clear pattern of change. North-easterly winds in December and January made it difficult to get to the best dive sites on outer and eastern sides of the atoll, but diving can be conducted in lagoons and streams.
Visibility in the water often exceeds 30 m, the temperature of the water is suitable – 27-30C, which allows you to swim with light and comfortable suit.
Diving Rules
In order to make diving safer Maldivian Government has developed a number of rules. Immersions after which ascending requires decompression is prohibited, and diving below 30 m is not allowed. Also it’s a must to have buoyancy compensators (BCs).
Instructors arrange a test dive and if they see that the person feels confident in the water, they allow him to dive alone without joining the group of divers. Some resorts require that diver should not be submerged more than one hour if dive has been conducted from a dive boat or the pressure is at least 50 atmospheres in the BC. Theses rule varies depending on the type of diving and skills of the diver.
Recently shark feeding has ceased to be popular and not conducted regularly. Consult with the instructor about the possibility of meeting with predators. Read also … Protect Sharks
Diving Resorts
Dive centers have possibility to arrange diving from a boat in the morning and afternoon , if dive site is located less than an hour away.
Night diving is usually arranged at the request of holidaymakers in most resorts. At the resort with the nearby reefs, where diving is possible directly from the shore, the number of dives is not limited. At Bandos and Ellaidhoo diving can be done all day round. The immersion is carried out with dhoni, large enough to accommodate themselves – divers and their equipment. On boats there is a canopy that protects from direct sunlight. At dhoni usually placed from 4 to 20 divers. Tours are conducted regularly on a daily basis to distant places, which include two dives from a boat included either a lunch (dry rations) or a barbecue on an uninhabited island. Sometimes tours include a visit to another resort.
If you are looking for somewhere to stay view our guide to the best resorts in the Maldives.
Dive Packages in Maldives
If you are going to dive for several days it is best to purchase a package of services. Prices are moderate and several options are offered. One of them includes two boat dives and unlimited shore dives. This option is more suitable for those who rest in the resort, which has a reef nearby and is planning to make more than two dives per day.
The fee for the boat is usually charged separately but many resorts will make discounts if package is ordered. The price for scuba diving is included in the price at Club Med resorts and Club Vacances. On average a package that includes one dive worth $35, 6 dives – $180, 10dives – $250, and six days of unlimited diving – $250-300 dollars.
The price for boat an average is $9 per person for per trip and $15 for two. These prices include the cost of rent only for cylinders with air and cargo, all the rest of the equipment can be rented in the resort shop. Average prices for rental equipment are $10 per day for the full set and $2 per day and above for each item.
Although you might not think it, the Maldives isn’t out of reach financially. For more tips view our guide to visiting Maldives on a budget.
Test / Beginners Dives
If you have never dived before, you should conduct a test dive or take appropriate courses. Test dive consists of a short briefing and demonstration, followed by swimming in the lagoon or reef on the island. The introductory part is very short and usually takes about half of the day and helps you to decide whether you want to continue with diving or not. At most resorts you can make a test dive, a cost of which is about $32, this price equipment is included. If you decide to attend courses to get a certificate, then in some resorts the price of the test dive will be included in the cost of training.
Diving Courses at the Resorts
Dive courses are not available on all resorts. Theoretical trainings are combined with practical diving and include three to six dives accompanied by an instructor. The first three are usually held in the lagoon and in the nearby reef of the island, and then by boat. Prices range from $150 for a three-day course with three dives to $300 for a six-day course with six dives.
Some schools give out their cards and submarine dive logs, but they are only valid for that resort and will be ignored by many other dive sites. Diving courses at the resorts are focused to introduce you with scuba diving, and if you enjoy this sport, you can move to the next step and get a certificate (C-card).
Certificate. The main certification agencies in the Maldives are PADI, NAUI and CMAS. You can get other certificates too, but not everywhere. Teaching courses are conducted in all major European languages. Before the start of training course, you will be asked to fill out a medical questionnaire. Price for standard certification is $430 (included equipment rental), and $320 for increased complexity, the last includes training courses for night diving, orienteering and navigation. But always make sure if boat fee is included in the price.
Scuba Safaris
One and two week underwater safaris are designed for those who do not want to be tied with resort. They usually start in Male and include a visit to one of the atolls. Baa or Ari, a week-long trips or both atolls in two weeks (in some cases, these atolls are replaced by the South Male and Felida). During peak season, from January to April, all places are occupied so it’s best to book a boat in advance.
Boats for safaris are fully equipped yacht-dhoni length of 12-20 meters and with width of 4-6 m. They can take on from 2 to 14 passengers. Each is accompanied by a dhoni boat: it gets divers to the dive site and carries all equipment.
Usually two dives per day are being performed, and in during intervals tourists visit the fishing villages. You can order a larger number of dives. Scuba Safaris cost 70-90 dollars per day per person (full board), or U.S. $300-500 for 12 dives. These prices also include the price for diving boat, air tanks, weights and instructor.
Drift Diving
Strong currents represent an excellent opportunity for drift diving in the straits and channels of atolls and between them. Going down the reef you can see doorsteps of sea pike swimming against the tide. A quick glance at the reef during the drift will show you how fast is the flow. Be careful with the stingrays, which are looking for food among currents. Look down at the coral trees, crowned with stars, and wave to fishes floating beneath you. When your journey comes to the end, ascent to surface and give a signal to dhoni, it would be in the same direction and they will pick you up. Read also … Drift Diving
Night Diving
Night diving is a worthwhile experience: you have an opportunity to see new and more diverse marine life. Photographing fishes at night is simpler, since they can be approached closer than in the daytime. Please also read Night Diving Guide
During the sunset reef is changing, as you may already know fishes change their color. Wrasses bury themselves in sand, fish-butterflies darken and settle in corals, small fish are hiding in crevices and burrows, and the parrot-fish surround themselves with protective mucus. When the day’s fish finish preparations for the night and go to the asylum, night inhabitants appear. Point the flashlight beam on the reef and you’ll see the darted dark-red soldier-fish. In soft coral bushes usually are found small crabs that hide among the corals and sponges.
To see the amazing firefly-fish, find a place near the cave or some other niche, turn off the lights and wait. A few minutes later draped green lights: first one, two, few, and then – a whole sea.
Underwater Dangers
It is easy to forget about dangers hiding behind the enchanting beauty of the underwater world, so be always cautious. Always listen to your instructor, he knows local underwater world much better than you. In some areas with very strong currents it’s so easy to lose the diving group. If you are being taken by strong flows, try to swim sideways, and not against it to reach calm waters. Some resorts provide buoys (long tubes filled with air, which are connected to the vest of divers), visible from the boat when ascending. In many shops for divers these cheap means of security are being offered, so they should be stocked up in advance.
If you happen to see a sea urchin or starfish, avoid touching them. These animal contain poison in needles, which is not dangerous to your life, however it may cause you great inconvenience. You’ll not be able to remove the needles from your body, and it will be done by your body automatically. Please also read , dangerous animals of the Red Sea
You may encounter a scorpion fish or stonefish. Do not touch them, and they will not touch you. You may meet a lionfish too, in this case stay away from its sharp fins, because they are poisonous. If you still get stung, treat the wound and surrounding tissue with very hot water, as hot as you can bear. The heat will neutralize the poison, but you still need to consult with doctor.
Suit for diving is optional as the waters are warm, but it can protect you from scratches from corals and bites from undetected water creatures. Spray “Stingose” available from local stores will neutralize the bite. You can use vinegar and wet tea bags, but they are less effective.
The combination of sea and sun increases the risk of burns. Before and after immersion using a good barrier cream is advisable.
One last thing: bring your instrument for measuring the depth of immersion – the water is very transparent, so you cannot calculate and exceed the planned limit of depth.
Instructors at the dhoni usually have oxygen supply for emergency cases. In the centers of diving oxygen supply is sufficient to bring the victim in decompression chamber.
Best Diving Spots in the Maldives
With a stunning plethora of exotic marine life, a huge number of unique and fascinating sites and fabulous weather all year round, it’s little wonder the holidays in the Maldives are considered one of the world’s best destinations for scuba diving.
If you’re looking for a whole new scuba experience, the Maldives is a superb place to take your first night dive. This will give you the chance to view a huge variety of marine life that simply cannot be seen during daylight hours.
Only around one per cent of the Maldives consists of dry land – the vast majority of the country is composed of water surrounding almost 1,200 islets, which in turn comprise a total of 26 atolls. One of the largest, the Ari Atoll, is located in the west of the Maldives and is home to numerous dive sites.
Located on the eastern side of the Maldives, the North Male and South Male Atolls feature at least 20 resort islands, all of which are hugely popular with scuba divers. Although the resorts have extensive facilities, the majority of visitors join live-aboard diving safaris so they can visit a number of sites.
A 30-minute seaplane ride from the capital, Male, will get you to Kudarah Thila, one of the most exciting dive sites in the Maldives and part of the Ari Atoll region. The short flight is well worth it as the marine life here is so abundant that divers who have been to the area refer to it as ‘fish soup’.
A thila is a large coral structure that has sections both in and out of the water. The thila at Kudarah is around 80 meters in diameter and during times when the currents are mild it is possible to negotiate the entire structure within a single session.
Best suited to experienced scuba divers, Kudarah is accessible all year round with depths varying from 14m to 30m. Featuring caves, overhangs and outcrops as well as a wide variety of coral and sponges, you can expect to see reef sharks, triggerfish and barracuda, among others.
The Thamburudhoo Thila, also known as the H.P. Reef, is located in the North Male Atoll and is a superb site for novice divers. With depths ranging from 5m to 30m, the site is suitable for diving all year round and features spectacular reef formations along with caves and crevices.
Multi-coloured soft coral is abundant as is a huge variety of species, including angelfish, leaf fish, silver jacks, moorish idols and bat fish. Eagle rays are also a common sight. Although suitable for beginners, the currents here can be strong and need to be monitored closely. A safety balloon is also a necessity.
Another great site for novice divers is Banana Reef, one of the first to be discovered in the Maldives and one that continues to be hugely popular. Taking its name from the shape of the island, the site features numerous caves and will often be occupied by schools of bannerfish numbering in the thousands.
The large number of visitors to Banana Reef means that many of the fish have become quite tame and are responsive to feeding. Expect to see pufferfish, wrasse, fusillier, squirrelfish, grouper, grubfish and many more.
A great site for a night dive is MaayaThila, where you will be able to see turtles resting inside caves along with octopus, stone fish and white tip reef sharks, which are particularly common in this region. The creatures will look all the more spectacular due to the contrast between the dark water and the glow from your dive light that will make the colours of the fish stand out even more.
Located at the North Ari Atoll, accessible all year round and with depths between five and thirty metres, MaayaThila also makes a great daytime dive spot and is suitable for novices and experienced divers alike.
Voted one of the top five dive sites in the world, FotteyoKandu is undoubtedly the jewel in the Maldives scuba-diving crown. With abundant coral growth and fish life and a range of exciting features that includes caves, overhangs and swim-throughs, all with great visibility and depths starting from just 5m, a dive here promises to be little short of a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
With hammerhead and white tip sharks as regular visitors, deceptively deep sections and the possibility of strong currents, this dive is really only suited to those with significant amounts of scuba experience. The site is best visited during the time of the Northeast Monsoon, which runs from September or October until the end of the year.
Located within the Felidhu Atoll, close to the idyllic resort island of Alimatha, FotteyoKandu also boasts schools of jackfish and tuna, red snapper and midnight snappers and large numbers of glass fish, all in a stunning setting that has to be seen to be believed.